Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Hate U Give

 The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Full text of the book: Table of Contents is on page 4. Then click on the chapter to jump to the right spot. Click on the chapter to go back to the table of contents. 

Audio recordings below also include the text with the audio:

Part One: When It Happens

Chapter 1 (p. 7-17)

Chapter 2 (p. 18-20)

Chapter 3 (p. 21-36)

Chapter 4 (p. 37-47)

Chapter 5 (p. 48-63)

Chapter 6 (p. 64-71)

Chapter 7 (p. 72-82)

Chapter 8 (p. 83-91)

Chapter 9 (p. 92-109)

Chapter 10 (p. 110-120)

Chapter 11 (p. 121-133)

Chapter 12 (p. 134-145)

Chapter 13 (p. 146-158)

Chapter 14 (p. 159-169)

Chapter 15 (p. 170-184)

Part Two: Five Weeks After It

Chapter 16 (p. 185-190)

Chapter 17 (p. 191-200)

Chapter 18 (p. 201-212)

Chapter 19 (p. 213-220)

Part Three: Eight Weeks After It

Chapter 20 (p. 221-229)

Part Four: Ten Weeks After It

Chapter 21 (p. 230-241)

Part Five: Thirteen Weeks After It- The Decision

Chapter 22 (p. 242-251)

Chapter 23 (p. 252-261)

Chapter 24 (p. 262-272)

Chapter 25 (p. 273-279)

Chapter 26 (p. 280-288)

Monday, May 25, 2020

May 26-28 Root Words Review

Most of the following are words we did not have the opportunity to cover this year in class. There's a lot here; you are not required to do it all in this short week. Explore, practice, try, learn. Anything you complete, send me a picture or screenshot of your score. Bookmark the pages for more practice and review during the summer. If you work during the summer, send me that too! School may be over at the end of this week, but I am always here to support you- with schoolwork and in life. Call, email, or text ANY time!!

Review words 166-180

Word Meaning: to make strong and secure
Root: fort
Root Meaning: strong
Related words: fortitude, forte, fortress, effort, fortify
Word Meaning: to build by arranging parts to make a whole
Root: stru (con=together)
Root Meaning: build
Related words: instruct, structure, construe, instrument, obstruct
Word Meaning: an awareness of feeling from one of the 5 senses
Root: sens
Root Meaning: feel
Related words: sensory, sensor, sensitive, insensate, senses
Word Meaning: to penetrate with something that changes the person or thing, usually for the better
Root: fus (in=within)
Root Meaning: to pour
Related words: fusion, effuse, transfusion, diffuse, suffuse
Word Meaning: being an excessive talker
Root: loq
Root Meaning: to speak
Related words: soliloquy, colloquial, ventriloquist, eloquence, obloquy
Word Meaning: to have knowledge or mental awareness
Root: gni or gno (co=with)
Root Meaning: to know
Related words: ignorant, diagnosis, recognize, prognosis, agnostic, Gnostic, gnome, know
Word Meaning: doubling something; word that doubles 2 similar sounds (bonbon)
Root: du
Root Meaning: two
Related words: duplicate, duel, dual, dubious, deuce, indubitable, duplicitous
Word Meaning: being dishonest or disloyal and the act of betrayal
Root: fid
Root Meaning: trust or faith
Related words: fidelity, confide, confidant, confident, affidavit, diffident
Word Meaning: without ending or without limit
Root: term
Root Meaning: limit
Related words: terminate, term, exterminate, determine, terminology
Word Meaning: ¼ of a circle, an arc of 90 degrees, or a part of an area divided into 4 parts
Root: quad
Root Meaning: four
Related words: quadrangle, square, quart, quarantine, squad, quartet
Word Meaning: to send out light or joy
Root: rad
Root Meaning: ray or spoke
Related words: radius, radiator, ray, eradiate, irradiate, radial
Word Meaning: a puzzle- letters of a word are rearranged to form a new word
Root: gram (ana=against)
Root Meaning: letter or something written or drawn
Related words: diagram, epigram, grammar, monogram, program, gram
Word Meaning: to approve something formally
Root: rat
Root Meaning: fixed or determined
Related words: ratio, rate, ration, rational, rationale, rationalize
Word Meaning: the quality of being straight; morally honest
Root: rect
Root Meaning: straight
Related words: correct, incorrect, direct, director, rector, indirect, erect, rectify
Word Meaning: to move up
Root: scend (a=to)
Root Meaning: to climb
Related words: descend, condescend, descendant, transcend, transcendental  

review words 151-165

Word Meaning: (n) a characteristic; (v) to explain something
Root: tribe (at=to)
Root Meaning: to give
Related words: tribune, distribute, contribution, tribe, retribution
Word Meaning: someone chosen to go on an important mission
Root: miss
Root Meaning: to send
Related words: permissive, omission, transmissible, submissive
Word Meaning: rule by a few
Root: archy (olig=few)
Root Meaning: rule
Related words: archbishop, archangel, archduke, archfool,  archcapitalist, archenemy, anarchist, archives, patriarch
Word Meaning: secret or hidden
Root: cover
Root Meaning: cover
Related words: cover, undercover, discover, recover, coverlet, irrevocable
Word Meaning: beginning or about to become apparent
Root: cip
Root Meaning: take or seize
Related words: anticipate, principle, principal, municipal, participate, recipe
Word Meaning: 2 or more things have a common center or axis
Root: centr (con=with)
Root Meaning: center
Related words: centrifugal, eccentric, decentralize, concentrate
Word Meaning: a thoroughly bad guy- evil, villian
Root: cre or cred (mis=bad)
Root Meaning: to trust or believe
Related words: credentials, creed, incredulous, incredible, discredit, credible, accredit
Word Meaning: a gift; well-mannered behavior
Root: court
Root Meaning: refers to a royal court
Related words: court, courtier, courting, courtship, courteous, curtsy
Word Meaning: a bad leader- makes extravagant promises for his own gain
Root: demo or dema
Root Meaning: people
Related words: democracy, democrat, demographer, epidemic, endemic, pandemic
Word Meaning: a number being divided; profit money divided up in stocks
Root: divi
Root Meaning: to separate into pieces or groups
Related words: divide, divisible, divisive, individual, devise, device
Word Meaning: cutting into or dissecting a living body to understand how it works
Root: sect
Root Meaning: to cut
Related words: sectarian, sector, dissect, intersect, insect, sect
Word Meaning: different parts sticking together to become unified
Root: here (co=together)
Root Meaning: the act, the attachment, or to stick
Related words: adhere, inherent, heresy, heritage, heredity
 Word Meaning: being widely recognized for doing something
Root: note
Root Meaning: to mark
Related words: notion, notorious, notice, connote, notarize, annotation
Word Meaning: to be protected from or not responsive to something or someone
Root: mune
Root Meaning: gift
Related words: communal, remunerate, communication, munificent, excommunicate
Word Meaning: to revive or restore from a state of seeming death
Root: cite (re=again)
Root Meaning: to call
Related words: citation, excitement, incite, citadel, citizen

Review words136-150

Word Meaning: a perk- something extra to the regular pay
Root: quire or queues (per=thoroughly/throughout)
Root Meaning: to gain or seek
Related words: question, inquest, requisition, acquire, conquer
Word Meaning: self-examination, looking at your thoughts & feelings
Root: spect (intro=in or within)
Root Meaning: to see or look
Related words: inspect, circumspect, expectant, prospect
Word Meaning: to stop or refrain from continuing
Root: sist (de=opposite)
Root Meaning: stand
Related words: persist, resist, transistor, resistor, assist, exist
Word Meaning: a succession of rulers from the same family
Root: dyna
Root Meaning: power
Related words: dynamite, dynamic, dynamo, hydrodynamics, dyne
Word Meaning: a type of oil painting started by French artists around 1870- less realistic looking (van Gogh)
Root: press
Root Meaning: press
Related words:  expressionism, oppress, repress, express
Word Meaning: to place side-by-side or next to
Root: pos (justa=near/nearby)
Root Meaning: set or put in place
Related words: impose, expose, interpose, repose, transpose, predispose
Word Meaning: a person appointed by a court to look after property
Root: serv (con=with)
Root Meaning: save
Related words: conservative, conservatory, reservoir, reserve
Word Meaning: to have enough to satisfy the need
Root: fic
Root Meaning: to do or to make
Related words: office, edifice, sacrifice, deficit, benefit, artificial
Word Meaning: a candymaker or cake decorator
Root: fec (con=with)
Root Meaning: to make or to do
Related words: affection, affectation, disaffection, perfect, affect, effect
Word Meaning: unhappy person- perhaps carries a grudge
Root: tent or ten (mal=bad; con=with)
Root Meaning: to hold
Related words: content (2), tenet, tenant,  contention, countenance, detention
Word Meaning: the middle number when ranked in order; a separating place like in a road
Root: medi
Root Meaning: middle
Related words: mediator, mediation, mediocre, immediate
Word Meaning: carry in the uterus
Root: gest
Root Meaning: carry
Related words: gesture, gesticulate, digest, ingest, suggest, congestion
Word Meaning: to expand in all directions
Root: tend (dis=apart)
Root Meaning: stretch
Related words: extend, contend, attend, intend, portend, pretend
Word Meaning: to form a circle around something
Root: pass (en=in; com=with)
Root Meaning: step or go
Related words: pass, compassion, surpass, trespass, compass, passion
Word Meaning: to cause an action or put something in motion
Root: act
Root Meaning: to do
Related words: actor, transact, radioactivity, actual, exactitude

Review words 121-135

Word Meaning: badly embarrassed
Root: mort
Root Meaning: death
Related words: immortal, mortal, mortician, mortuary, mortgage, amortize, postmortem  
Word Meaning: written in the style of newspapers
Root: journ
Root Meaning: daily
Related words: journal, journey, journalism, journeyman
Word Meaning: has to do with commerce or navigation of the sea
Root: mari
Root Meaning: sea
Related words: mariner, submarine, marine, aquamarine
Word Meaning: excessive concern with forms, rules, or rituals
Root: form
Root Meaning: shape
Related words: formal, conform, perform, reform, uniform, format
Word Meaning: easily broken
Root: frang/frag/fract (ible=able)
Root Meaning: break
Related words: fracture, fractious, fraction, infraction
Word Meaning: going in circles
Root: circ
Root Meaning: ring or around
Related words: circus, circuit, circumference, circulate, semicircle, encircle
Word Meaning: a tax or percentage of money received in exchange for a right; persons related to the king
Root: roy or rag
Root Meaning: king
Related words:  royalist, viceroy, regal, regalia, Regina
Word Meaning: like a tax, only larger; voluntary praise to someone for service
Root: tribute
Root Meaning: give
Related words: tributary, contribute, distribute, attribute
Word Meaning: a close likeness
Root: simi
Root Meaning: like
Related words: dissimilar, simulate, facsimile (fax), assimilate, simile
Word Meaning: having great variety
Root: multi (farious=ways or sides)
Root Meaning: many
Related words: multiply, multilateral, multitude, multiplicity, multiform
Word Meaning: flaming, showy, ornate
Root: flam or flag
Root Meaning: fire
Related words: flame, inflame, inflammatory, flamingo, flagrant
Word Meaning: a weight that hangs so it can swing back and forth
Root: pend
Root Meaning: hang
Related words: pendulous, pending, pendant, pennant
Word Meaning: extremely small unit- one thousandth of a millimeter
Root: micro
Root Meaning: small
Related words: microcosm, microscope, microbe, microorganism, microwave
Word Meaning: being open, honest, and frank
Root: cand
Root Meaning: white, light, or shining
Related words: candle, candid, candidate, incandescent, candelabra  
Word Meaning: a small detail or petty matter
Root: min
Root Meaning: small
Related words: minimum, minus, minute(2), diminish, minor

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Review words 106-120

Word Meaning: to charge with a crime or show guilt
Root: crim
Root Meaning: crime or accuse
Related words: crime, criminology, criminologist, discriminate, indiscriminate, recriminate
Word Meaning: one who cares for or supervises a museum or library
Root: cur
Root Meaning: care
Related words: curate, procure, curious, accurate, sinecure, secure, insecure, cure
Word Meaning: to resist persuasion
Root: dur
Root Meaning: hard or lasting
Related words: durable, endure, duress, duration, unendurable, during
Word Meaning: a feeling that something is about to happen
Root: sent
Root Meaning: feeling
Related words: absent, essence, quintessential, present
Word Meaning: to focus on something without changing
Root: fix
Root Meaning: to fix
Related words: fixture, prefix, suffix, affix, infix, crucifix
Word Meaning: a close companion you have known for a long time
Root: cron
Root Meaning: time
Related words: cronyism, anachronism, chronometer, synchronized
Word Meaning: a poetry term; vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) in nearby words rhyme, or are the same sound
Root: son (as=to)
Root Meaning: sound
Related words: sonic, supersonic, subsonic, transonic, dissonant, sonata
Word Meaning: broke, bankrupt, unable to pay the bills
Root: solv, solu (in=not, ent=inclined to)
Root Meaning: to loosen
Related words: solvent, dissolve, dissolution, resolve, irresolute
Word Meaning: 1. training to improve the mind; 2. a subject or branch of knowledge; 3. punishment; 4. control
Root: disci
Root Meaning: learn
Related words: disciplinarian, self-discipline, undisciplined, disciple  
Word Meaning: a legal wrong for which somebody can be sued
Root: tort or tor
Root Meaning: twist
Related words: torch, torture, torque, contortionist, contorted, extortion
Word Meaning: something you do to make up for something you did wrong
Root: tone or ton
Root Meaning: tone
Related words: monotonous, detonate, halftone, atonal, tonic, intone, undertone
Word Meaning: formal ceremony to install a person into a high position
Root: vest
Root Meaning: garment
Related words: vest, vestments, investment, vested, divestment, reinvest, transvestite, travesty
Word Meaning: the multicolored leaves of a plant
Root: vari
Root Meaning: changeable, diverse, or speckled
Related words: variety, variant, variance, variable, vary
Word Meaning: clumsy or lacking physical coordination
Root: ward (awk=wrong; left-handed)
Root Meaning: direction; guard
Related words: warden, reward, ward
Word Meaning: sound beyond the upper limits of human hearing
Root: ultra
Root Meaning: beyond
Related words: ultimate, penultimate, ultimatum, ultramicro