Monday, May 25, 2020

Review words 166-180

Word Meaning: to make strong and secure
Root: fort
Root Meaning: strong
Related words: fortitude, forte, fortress, effort, fortify
Word Meaning: to build by arranging parts to make a whole
Root: stru (con=together)
Root Meaning: build
Related words: instruct, structure, construe, instrument, obstruct
Word Meaning: an awareness of feeling from one of the 5 senses
Root: sens
Root Meaning: feel
Related words: sensory, sensor, sensitive, insensate, senses
Word Meaning: to penetrate with something that changes the person or thing, usually for the better
Root: fus (in=within)
Root Meaning: to pour
Related words: fusion, effuse, transfusion, diffuse, suffuse
Word Meaning: being an excessive talker
Root: loq
Root Meaning: to speak
Related words: soliloquy, colloquial, ventriloquist, eloquence, obloquy
Word Meaning: to have knowledge or mental awareness
Root: gni or gno (co=with)
Root Meaning: to know
Related words: ignorant, diagnosis, recognize, prognosis, agnostic, Gnostic, gnome, know
Word Meaning: doubling something; word that doubles 2 similar sounds (bonbon)
Root: du
Root Meaning: two
Related words: duplicate, duel, dual, dubious, deuce, indubitable, duplicitous
Word Meaning: being dishonest or disloyal and the act of betrayal
Root: fid
Root Meaning: trust or faith
Related words: fidelity, confide, confidant, confident, affidavit, diffident
Word Meaning: without ending or without limit
Root: term
Root Meaning: limit
Related words: terminate, term, exterminate, determine, terminology
Word Meaning: ¼ of a circle, an arc of 90 degrees, or a part of an area divided into 4 parts
Root: quad
Root Meaning: four
Related words: quadrangle, square, quart, quarantine, squad, quartet
Word Meaning: to send out light or joy
Root: rad
Root Meaning: ray or spoke
Related words: radius, radiator, ray, eradiate, irradiate, radial
Word Meaning: a puzzle- letters of a word are rearranged to form a new word
Root: gram (ana=against)
Root Meaning: letter or something written or drawn
Related words: diagram, epigram, grammar, monogram, program, gram
Word Meaning: to approve something formally
Root: rat
Root Meaning: fixed or determined
Related words: ratio, rate, ration, rational, rationale, rationalize
Word Meaning: the quality of being straight; morally honest
Root: rect
Root Meaning: straight
Related words: correct, incorrect, direct, director, rector, indirect, erect, rectify
Word Meaning: to move up
Root: scend (a=to)
Root Meaning: to climb
Related words: descend, condescend, descendant, transcend, transcendental  

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