Monday, May 25, 2020

review words 151-165

Word Meaning: (n) a characteristic; (v) to explain something
Root: tribe (at=to)
Root Meaning: to give
Related words: tribune, distribute, contribution, tribe, retribution
Word Meaning: someone chosen to go on an important mission
Root: miss
Root Meaning: to send
Related words: permissive, omission, transmissible, submissive
Word Meaning: rule by a few
Root: archy (olig=few)
Root Meaning: rule
Related words: archbishop, archangel, archduke, archfool,  archcapitalist, archenemy, anarchist, archives, patriarch
Word Meaning: secret or hidden
Root: cover
Root Meaning: cover
Related words: cover, undercover, discover, recover, coverlet, irrevocable
Word Meaning: beginning or about to become apparent
Root: cip
Root Meaning: take or seize
Related words: anticipate, principle, principal, municipal, participate, recipe
Word Meaning: 2 or more things have a common center or axis
Root: centr (con=with)
Root Meaning: center
Related words: centrifugal, eccentric, decentralize, concentrate
Word Meaning: a thoroughly bad guy- evil, villian
Root: cre or cred (mis=bad)
Root Meaning: to trust or believe
Related words: credentials, creed, incredulous, incredible, discredit, credible, accredit
Word Meaning: a gift; well-mannered behavior
Root: court
Root Meaning: refers to a royal court
Related words: court, courtier, courting, courtship, courteous, curtsy
Word Meaning: a bad leader- makes extravagant promises for his own gain
Root: demo or dema
Root Meaning: people
Related words: democracy, democrat, demographer, epidemic, endemic, pandemic
Word Meaning: a number being divided; profit money divided up in stocks
Root: divi
Root Meaning: to separate into pieces or groups
Related words: divide, divisible, divisive, individual, devise, device
Word Meaning: cutting into or dissecting a living body to understand how it works
Root: sect
Root Meaning: to cut
Related words: sectarian, sector, dissect, intersect, insect, sect
Word Meaning: different parts sticking together to become unified
Root: here (co=together)
Root Meaning: the act, the attachment, or to stick
Related words: adhere, inherent, heresy, heritage, heredity
 Word Meaning: being widely recognized for doing something
Root: note
Root Meaning: to mark
Related words: notion, notorious, notice, connote, notarize, annotation
Word Meaning: to be protected from or not responsive to something or someone
Root: mune
Root Meaning: gift
Related words: communal, remunerate, communication, munificent, excommunicate
Word Meaning: to revive or restore from a state of seeming death
Root: cite (re=again)
Root Meaning: to call
Related words: citation, excitement, incite, citadel, citizen

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