Monday, May 25, 2020

Review words136-150

Word Meaning: a perk- something extra to the regular pay
Root: quire or queues (per=thoroughly/throughout)
Root Meaning: to gain or seek
Related words: question, inquest, requisition, acquire, conquer
Word Meaning: self-examination, looking at your thoughts & feelings
Root: spect (intro=in or within)
Root Meaning: to see or look
Related words: inspect, circumspect, expectant, prospect
Word Meaning: to stop or refrain from continuing
Root: sist (de=opposite)
Root Meaning: stand
Related words: persist, resist, transistor, resistor, assist, exist
Word Meaning: a succession of rulers from the same family
Root: dyna
Root Meaning: power
Related words: dynamite, dynamic, dynamo, hydrodynamics, dyne
Word Meaning: a type of oil painting started by French artists around 1870- less realistic looking (van Gogh)
Root: press
Root Meaning: press
Related words:  expressionism, oppress, repress, express
Word Meaning: to place side-by-side or next to
Root: pos (justa=near/nearby)
Root Meaning: set or put in place
Related words: impose, expose, interpose, repose, transpose, predispose
Word Meaning: a person appointed by a court to look after property
Root: serv (con=with)
Root Meaning: save
Related words: conservative, conservatory, reservoir, reserve
Word Meaning: to have enough to satisfy the need
Root: fic
Root Meaning: to do or to make
Related words: office, edifice, sacrifice, deficit, benefit, artificial
Word Meaning: a candymaker or cake decorator
Root: fec (con=with)
Root Meaning: to make or to do
Related words: affection, affectation, disaffection, perfect, affect, effect
Word Meaning: unhappy person- perhaps carries a grudge
Root: tent or ten (mal=bad; con=with)
Root Meaning: to hold
Related words: content (2), tenet, tenant,  contention, countenance, detention
Word Meaning: the middle number when ranked in order; a separating place like in a road
Root: medi
Root Meaning: middle
Related words: mediator, mediation, mediocre, immediate
Word Meaning: carry in the uterus
Root: gest
Root Meaning: carry
Related words: gesture, gesticulate, digest, ingest, suggest, congestion
Word Meaning: to expand in all directions
Root: tend (dis=apart)
Root Meaning: stretch
Related words: extend, contend, attend, intend, portend, pretend
Word Meaning: to form a circle around something
Root: pass (en=in; com=with)
Root Meaning: step or go
Related words: pass, compassion, surpass, trespass, compass, passion
Word Meaning: to cause an action or put something in motion
Root: act
Root Meaning: to do
Related words: actor, transact, radioactivity, actual, exactitude

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