Monday, May 25, 2020

Review words 121-135

Word Meaning: badly embarrassed
Root: mort
Root Meaning: death
Related words: immortal, mortal, mortician, mortuary, mortgage, amortize, postmortem  
Word Meaning: written in the style of newspapers
Root: journ
Root Meaning: daily
Related words: journal, journey, journalism, journeyman
Word Meaning: has to do with commerce or navigation of the sea
Root: mari
Root Meaning: sea
Related words: mariner, submarine, marine, aquamarine
Word Meaning: excessive concern with forms, rules, or rituals
Root: form
Root Meaning: shape
Related words: formal, conform, perform, reform, uniform, format
Word Meaning: easily broken
Root: frang/frag/fract (ible=able)
Root Meaning: break
Related words: fracture, fractious, fraction, infraction
Word Meaning: going in circles
Root: circ
Root Meaning: ring or around
Related words: circus, circuit, circumference, circulate, semicircle, encircle
Word Meaning: a tax or percentage of money received in exchange for a right; persons related to the king
Root: roy or rag
Root Meaning: king
Related words:  royalist, viceroy, regal, regalia, Regina
Word Meaning: like a tax, only larger; voluntary praise to someone for service
Root: tribute
Root Meaning: give
Related words: tributary, contribute, distribute, attribute
Word Meaning: a close likeness
Root: simi
Root Meaning: like
Related words: dissimilar, simulate, facsimile (fax), assimilate, simile
Word Meaning: having great variety
Root: multi (farious=ways or sides)
Root Meaning: many
Related words: multiply, multilateral, multitude, multiplicity, multiform
Word Meaning: flaming, showy, ornate
Root: flam or flag
Root Meaning: fire
Related words: flame, inflame, inflammatory, flamingo, flagrant
Word Meaning: a weight that hangs so it can swing back and forth
Root: pend
Root Meaning: hang
Related words: pendulous, pending, pendant, pennant
Word Meaning: extremely small unit- one thousandth of a millimeter
Root: micro
Root Meaning: small
Related words: microcosm, microscope, microbe, microorganism, microwave
Word Meaning: being open, honest, and frank
Root: cand
Root Meaning: white, light, or shining
Related words: candle, candid, candidate, incandescent, candelabra  
Word Meaning: a small detail or petty matter
Root: min
Root Meaning: small
Related words: minimum, minus, minute(2), diminish, minor

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