Sunday, May 24, 2020

Review words 106-120

Word Meaning: to charge with a crime or show guilt
Root: crim
Root Meaning: crime or accuse
Related words: crime, criminology, criminologist, discriminate, indiscriminate, recriminate
Word Meaning: one who cares for or supervises a museum or library
Root: cur
Root Meaning: care
Related words: curate, procure, curious, accurate, sinecure, secure, insecure, cure
Word Meaning: to resist persuasion
Root: dur
Root Meaning: hard or lasting
Related words: durable, endure, duress, duration, unendurable, during
Word Meaning: a feeling that something is about to happen
Root: sent
Root Meaning: feeling
Related words: absent, essence, quintessential, present
Word Meaning: to focus on something without changing
Root: fix
Root Meaning: to fix
Related words: fixture, prefix, suffix, affix, infix, crucifix
Word Meaning: a close companion you have known for a long time
Root: cron
Root Meaning: time
Related words: cronyism, anachronism, chronometer, synchronized
Word Meaning: a poetry term; vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) in nearby words rhyme, or are the same sound
Root: son (as=to)
Root Meaning: sound
Related words: sonic, supersonic, subsonic, transonic, dissonant, sonata
Word Meaning: broke, bankrupt, unable to pay the bills
Root: solv, solu (in=not, ent=inclined to)
Root Meaning: to loosen
Related words: solvent, dissolve, dissolution, resolve, irresolute
Word Meaning: 1. training to improve the mind; 2. a subject or branch of knowledge; 3. punishment; 4. control
Root: disci
Root Meaning: learn
Related words: disciplinarian, self-discipline, undisciplined, disciple  
Word Meaning: a legal wrong for which somebody can be sued
Root: tort or tor
Root Meaning: twist
Related words: torch, torture, torque, contortionist, contorted, extortion
Word Meaning: something you do to make up for something you did wrong
Root: tone or ton
Root Meaning: tone
Related words: monotonous, detonate, halftone, atonal, tonic, intone, undertone
Word Meaning: formal ceremony to install a person into a high position
Root: vest
Root Meaning: garment
Related words: vest, vestments, investment, vested, divestment, reinvest, transvestite, travesty
Word Meaning: the multicolored leaves of a plant
Root: vari
Root Meaning: changeable, diverse, or speckled
Related words: variety, variant, variance, variable, vary
Word Meaning: clumsy or lacking physical coordination
Root: ward (awk=wrong; left-handed)
Root Meaning: direction; guard
Related words: warden, reward, ward
Word Meaning: sound beyond the upper limits of human hearing
Root: ultra
Root Meaning: beyond
Related words: ultimate, penultimate, ultimatum, ultramicro

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