Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Headlines- Featured Reader folder page

According to students, what makes a good headline?
- suspense
- appealing to emotions
- real-life
- makes you want to read it more
- powerful vocabulary words
- it's like a mystery
- cliffhanger
- asking a question
- catches your attention
- makes you excited
- making you think harder
- descriptive
- you want to know what happens next
- when people put thought into them
- interesting
- excitement
- makes you wonder
- action
- sucks you into the story
- adventurous
- different types of conflict
- it has a meaning to it
- it hooks you
- add drama
- get your attention
- enthusiastic

Example Headlines: 
When the time comes, how hard will it be to fight?
Is he really cursed?
Who killed Vincent and why? 
Death in the Village
Did the kid get killed, or was he spared?
Will she find her sister alive or dead?
Who was the real murderer? 
Why did he kill the boys?
Life vs. Death
Who killed him?
The Dark Side
The Teacher Disappeared!
Don't Flee from a Hit and Run
Plant Cells vs. Human Cells
If you don't know what he or she said, then this is for you.
Shark bit the girls' arm off. What happened to the arm?
Come over your fears
Clan leader fighting for one person
Will my mom quit beating me? 
Will my mom feed me again?
High School Troubles
Dogs With Adventures
Will I survive my summer?!
Good-bye Home 
Is This the End?
Friends Again
Who is the boy in the dark?
Frozen Waste
How does he know so much about me?
A scar that's not there

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