Monday, April 10, 2017

Period 5- HAIKU

What is a haiku? 
How is it defined? What are its characteristics?

What makes a good haiku?

Reply below.
Sign your post with your INITIALS ONLY.
Reply to each other.

Post definitions of haiku.
Post good examples.
Say why they are good.

Yes, this is for a grade. Yes, you have to reply below. Sign it with your initials so I know who gets the points!

Who can post the most meaningful, useful comments this period?
5 stickers for the top-posting student this period.
MEANINGFUL comments- not "IDK" or "I agree" or "Good idea"- NEW INFORMATION for the conversation!


  1. Is a traditional form of Japanese poetry .
    A haiku poem has three lines, where the first and last lines have five moras, while the middle line has seven.
    Basho Matsuo
    Here are three examples of the haiku of Basho Matsuo, the first great poet of haiku in the 1600s:
    An old silent pond...
    A frog jumps into the pond,
    splash! Silence again.
    Autumn moonlight—
    a worm digs silently
    into the chestnut.
    Lightning flash—
    what I thought were faces
    are plumes of pampas grass.

  2. JT

    I am first with five
    Then seven in the middle --
    Five again to end.

  3. 1. What is a haiku? A haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry.

    2. How is it defined? A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.

    3. What are its characteristics? A haiku is an unrhymed poem of three lines and 17 syllables, with five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five in the third. A haiku emphasizes imagery, usually of landscapes, seasons and the time of day.

    4. What makes a good haiku? Haiku is a mood poem and it doesn't use any metaphors or similes. Usually when Haiku is taught the students are only given the restriction of the number of lines and syllables.

    A.P Per.5

  4. S.H Japanese verse, written in 17 syllables divided into 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, and employing highly evocative allusions and comparisons, often on the subject of nature or one of the seasons. Select a type of haiku. ...
    Pick a topic. ...
    Think about what is different about your last line. ...
    Start writing.
    Don't forget to count the syllables as you read to make sure you've got the right pattern.

  5. Usually when Haiku is taught the students are only given the restriction of the number of lines and syllables. However, for good Haiku poetry, more explanation needs to be given. This site is for teachers and students so that they can learn how to create their own Haiku poetry
    A Haiku is a Japanese poem which can also be known as a Hokku. A Haiku poem is similar to a Tanka but has fewer lines. A Haiku is a type of poetry that can be written on many themes, from love to nature.NM

  6. Haiku is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.

    Tan Taigi

    moon in the cold -
    only my own footsteps
    on the bridge.

    A firefly flitted by:
    "Look!" I almost said
    but I was alone.

    Line one has 5 syllables, line 2 has 7 syllables and line three has 5 syllables makes a perfects haiku poem. Also, the poem describe loneliness. We can understand really well.
    By: HST

  7. a haiku is a japanese poem which can also be know as a hokku .a haiku poem is similar to a tanka but has fewer lines a haika is a type of poetry that can be written on many themes from love to nature jw

  8. A haiku poem consists of three lines, with the first and last line having 5 moras, and the middle line having 7. A mora is a sound unit, much like a syllable, but is not identical to it. Since the moras do not translate well into English, it has been adapted and syllables are used as moras.

  9. What is a haiku? A haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. A haiku poem has three lines, where the first and last lines have five moras, while the middle line has seven.

  10. J.R A haiku is a poem has three lines, where the first and last lines have five moras, while the middle line has seven, i heard the pattern is 5-7-5. it used to be popular during the 9th to 12 centuries in the japan called tanka in the 9th century. haiku is also another name as hokku and set the mood for rest of verse. haiku is more then a type of poem, it is a way of looking at the physical world and seeing something deeper.
