Monday, April 10, 2017

Period 4- HAIKU

What is a haiku? 
How is it defined? What are its characteristics?

What makes a good haiku?

Reply below.
Sign your post with your INITIALS ONLY.
Reply to each other.

Post definitions of haiku.
Post good examples.
Say why they are good.

Yes, this is for a grade. Yes, you have to reply below. Sign it with your initials so I know who gets the points!

Who can post the most meaningful, useful comments this period?
5 stickers for the top-posting student this period.
MEANINGFUL comments- not "IDK" or "I agree" or "Good idea"- NEW INFORMATION for the conversation!


  1. A haiku is poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.

  2. MMT
    a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.

  3. A haiku is a poem with seventeen with five lind. the meaning is the manner.
    The characteristics are persons, place or thing.
    Thing that makes a good haiku


  4. What a Haiku is a Japanese poem that has between 17 syllabus that has 3 lines, 5 lines, 7 lines and 5 again.
    What a good example of Haiku?
    what a good example of Haiku is they rarely have rhythm, short and recognizable to the reader.
    Why are they good?
    Well if someone likes poetry and they want to know more about poetry maybe they should start reading Haiku.
    Example: Easter Bunny hides
    Easter eggs are out of sight
    kids look everywhere
    KL Per.4

  5. A haiku poem consists of three lines, with the first and last line having 5 moras, and the middle line having 7. A mora is a sound unit, much like a syllable, but is not identical to it. Since the moras do not translate well into English, it has been adapted and syllables are used as moras.
