Wednesday, December 7, 2016

6th period presentation reflections

What worked?
Having an organized paper to plan.
Used our time wisely.
Using all of the brains instead of just one. 
Had a plan.
Picking our own stories.
Good teamwork.

What didn't work?
Choosing our own groups- because people didn't work. 
People talking while we were presenting.
People on their phones during presentations.
Not having a good plan.
People not giving their full attention.
Group members not getting along.
People not wanting to do anything.
People not being prepared.

What should we do next time? 
Pick the right people for the group. Don't work with the same people again if you didn't work well together. 
Teacher pick story and groups. 
Better coordination & communication.
Not talk nonsense. Stay on task.
Do not interrupt the next group. 
Work as a group.
Teacher collect papers.
Everyone should know and do their own jobs.
Don't let one person do all the work. 

What should we not do next time?
Skip class
Talk back to others.
Say anything bad/mean/disrespectful/rude.
Pay attention to other groups.
Have side conversations.

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