Wednesday, December 7, 2016

2nd period presentation reflections

What worked?
Everybody in the group taking a turn talking during their group's presentation.
Planning it out well.
Communication skills- dividing up the jobs and planning ahead.
The audience asked questions.
Quizzing people to know they're paying attention.

What didn't work?
People not paying attention.
The "teacher" not knowing the answers to their own quiz.
Not talking loud enough for people to hear and understand.
Making unnecessary noises.

What should we do next time? 
Be more creative- acting, singing, making a rap, drawing, being funny, dramatized, games, audience participation, movement, be excited, magic.
Be more open-minded.
Make sure phones are silent. 
Be nice and supportive.

What should we not do next time?
Be boring.
Be disruptive.
Don't have side conversations.
Don't work on your presentation during others.
Be sensitive about the quizzes- not too long, too hard, too boring. 

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