Tuesday, October 18, 2016

6th period lit circle reflections

What worked:
Working with helpful, supportive groups of people who liked each other. 
Helping teammates who missed things when they were absent. 
We (mostly) got stuff done.
Everybody taking responsibility. 
We (kind of) used our time wisely.
Connecting to new people.

What did you learn?
Taking responsibility. 
You might get into arguments, but you can solve them. (Don't fight!)

How well did you understand the story?
Not really.
It was kind of weird.
It's understandable.

What could we do differently to understand the next story better?
Pay attention.

Choose a better story. 
Do something more fun- create a game to go with it, create a rap, create a poem, other fun presentation ideas.
Practice reading in front of the class and give positive feedback. 
Use stories that are somewhat familiar to the other groups.
Take turns reading to the whole class in your small groups. 
Stop all the talking and separate all the people talking. 
Have other options for jobs or activities to do while reading. 

What should we NOT do next time?
Not talk as much.
Not talk and be distracted.
Not get in groups with your friends (OR people you hate!!)
Be annoying.
Cuss each other out.
Do not talk about off-topic things.
Don't sing (unless it's about the story).
No side conversations.
No walking around the class. 
Keep your hands, feet, and mean comments to yourself.
Don't yell.
Don't tell someone to shut up.
Be on time.
And................ don't fart in class.

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