Monday, May 4, 2020

Week of May 4 Words of the Day 61-75

Word Meaning: a division of something into two parts or opposing groups
Root: tomy or tom (dich=in two)
Root Meaning: cut
Related words:  atom, anatomy
Word Meaning: depressed, discouraged, hopeless, desperate, or not happy
Root: spond/spons
Root Meaning: to pledge
Related words: sponsor, respond, responsible, correspondent, irresponsible
Word Meaning: carrying a boat when it should be carrying you
Root: port
Root Meaning: to carry
Related words: import, export, transport, support, report, portfolio
Word Meaning: having characteristics of a cycle or wheel
Root: cycle
Root Meaning: wheel or recurring event
Related words: hurricane, typhoon, cyclone, bicycle, motorcycle
Word Meaning: feeling of pity or sympathetic sorrow
Root: path
Root Meaning: suffer
Related words: pathetic, sympathy, pathology, allopathy, homeopathy
Word Meaning: cannot be beaten, subdued, or conquered
Root: vinc/vint (in=not)
Root Meaning: conquer
Related words: victor, convince, province, convict, evict
Word Meaning: an act of generosity, giving $ to a good cause
Root: phil
Root Meaning: love
Related words: philosophy, Philadelphia, philander
Word Meaning: mythical animal with one horn in the middle of its forehead; mix of horse and stag
Root: uni (corn=horn)
Root Meaning: one
Related words: universe, university, unique, union, uniform, unit
Word Meaning: speech or written essay praising a person or act
Root: log
Root Meaning: word or speech
Related words: apology, analogy, epilogue, log on, logic, psychology
Word Meaning: not easily moved, taught, or trained
Root: tract
Root Meaning: to pull or drag
Related words: tractor, attract, detract, retract, traction
Word Meaning: send out
Root: mit (e=out)
Root Meaning: send
Related words:  omit, admit, remit, permit, transmit, intermittent, commit, submit
Word Meaning: a basic element with 1 proton & 1 electron; part of water (H2O)
Root: hydro
Root Meaning: water
Related words:  hydrant, hydrology
Word Meaning: person who presides over a debate to keep the discussion within the rules
Root: mod
Root Meaning: within bounds; manner
Related words:  modest, modicum, mode, modus operandi
Word Meaning: instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure
Root: bar (meter=measure)
Root Meaning: weight or pressure
Related words: metric system, geometry, perimeter
Word Meaning: form of government headed by a president where citizens have power
Root: pub
Root Meaning: grown up or adult
Related words: puberty, public, publicity, publication, public defender

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