Sunday, May 17, 2020

Week of May 18 words 91-105

Word Meaning: deals with the geographic distribution of plants and animals
Roots & Meanings: bio=life, geo=earth, graph=write
Related words: biology, biography, biopsy, antibiotic, bionics
Word Meaning: a rule, spoken, written, or generally understood
Root: cept
Root Meaning: to take or receive
Related words: accept, receptacle, exception, concept, perception
Word Meaning: to make something easier or less difficult
Root: fac
Root Meaning: to do or to make
Related words: factory, manufacture, fact, benefactor, malefactor, facsimile, fax, faculty
Word Meaning: a liking for or attraction to something
Root: fin (af=to or toward)
Root Meaning: end
Related words:  final, infinite, finicky, confine, definite, finish
Word Meaning: to go backward
Root: gress (retro, re=back)
Root Meaning: go or step
Related words: aggressive, egress, ingress, digress, congress
Word Meaning: farm (a granger is a farmer)
Root: gran
Root Meaning: seed
Related words: granola, granary, granulated, granite, pomegranate, grain, ingrained
Word Meaning: the inclination to companionship or community life
Root: soc (ability= capacity or fitness)
Root Meaning: companion
Related words: associate, dissociate, antisocial, sociology, socialism
Word Meaning: to sign something along with someone else
Root: sign (co=with)
Root Meaning: mark
Related words: signature, assignment, consign, insignia, significant
Word Meaning: to cleanse to remove impurities
Root: pur
Root Meaning: cleanse
Related words: pure, expurgate, impure, puritan, purist
Word Meaning: the scientific study of speech sounds
Root: phon
Root Meaning: sound
Related words: telephone, phonics, phonograph, phony
Word Meaning: (verb) belonging
Root: tain
Root Meaning: hold
Related words: abstain, taint, contain, sustain, sustenance, detain
Word Meaning: the amount of slope up or down in land or an object
Root: grad
Root Meaning: step
Related words: grade, centigrade, graduate, gradual, retrograde
Word Meaning: 1. climb; 2. get up on; 3. put in a position; 4. organize; 5. prepare; 6. increase; 7. short for “mountain”
Root: mount
Related words:  paramount, surmount, tantamount, mountebank, amount, remount
Word Meaning: moving or the ability to move from place to place
Root: mot (loco=place)
Root Meaning: move
Related words:  commotion, promote, emotion, remote, motive, motor
Word Meaning: a speech sound usually represented by the letter h
Root: spir (a=to)
Root Meaning: breath
Related words: expire, perspire, spirit, inspire

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