Monday, April 6, 2020

Week of April 6 Review Words 1-15

Word Meaning: occupation, job, or employment
Root: voc (a=not)
Root Meaning: call
Related words: vocabulary, vocalist, vocalize, vociferous,  equivocate
Word Meaning: (adj.) very bad;
(verb) to defeat or outdo, to best in a debate or conflict
Related words:
good     better     best
many     more     most

Word Meaning: a substance that can cause a reaction
Root: cata (lyst=breakdown)
Root Meaning: with
Related words: catastrophe, catalog, catapult
Word Meaning: to oppose or exert a force against something
Root: counter
Root Meaning: against or opposite
Related words: counterthrust, encounter, counterclockwise
Word Meaning: (noun) liquid;
(adj.) changing; smooth/easy style
Root: flu
Root Meaning: flow or blow
Related words: flue, fluff, flow, affluent
Word Meaning: any group of 3 closely related things or people
Root: tri
Root Meaning: three
Related words: triangle, trident, tribe
Word Meaning: without emphasis or strong meaning
Prefix: un
Prefix Meaning: not or opposite
Related words: unrest, unconstitutional, ungraceful
Word Meaning: a plant that grows near water that was used to make paper; this word can also refer to specific books or manuscripts
Related words: paper, papyrologist
Word Meaning: 1. natural, raw, not refined; 2. made quickly or poorly; 3. offensive; 4. incomplete
Root: crudus
Root Meaning: raw or rough
Related words: recrudescent, rude
Word Meaning: looking dragged and wet; to move slowly
Prefix: be
Prefix Meaning: on or around; also can change a noun to a verb or make a word stronger
Related words: below, behead, beware
Word Meaning: acting like a dictator
Root: dict
Root Meaning: to speak
Related words: dictate, dictionary, diction, contradict, benediction
Word Meaning: 1. foreign or not native; 2. unusual or different
Prefix: ex
Root Meaning: 1. outside 2. former 3. beyond
Related words: exit, ex-husband, exceed
Word Meaning: staying cool & calm
Root: turb (Prefix im=not)
Root Meaning: to throw into disorder
Related words: perturb, disturb, turbulent, turbine, turbid
Word Meaning: fear or strong dislike of flying
Root: aero (phobia=fear)
Root Meaning: air
Related words: aeronautics, acrophobia, claustrophobia
Word Meaning: having a courageous spirit, above meanness
Root: magna (animus=spirit, alive)
Root Meaning: great
Related words: charter, magnate, animated, animal, pusillanimous

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