Monday, April 27, 2020

Week of April 27 Words of the day 46-60

Word Meaning: silent
Root: tacit
Root Meaning: silent
Related words: taciturn, reticent, reserved, laconic, dour, acquiescent
Word Meaning: to cut off someone’s head
Root: capit
Root Meaning: head
Related words: capitol, capital
Word Meaning: 100 years
Root: cent (ennial=year)
Root Meaning: one hundred
Related words: century, centigrade, cent, centurion, centipede, centenarian  
Word Meaning: the room where monks in the Middle Ages (500-1500AD) kept their scripts/scripture
Root: script
Root Meaning: write
Related words: prescription, proscribe
Word Meaning: growing plants in water and not in earth
Root: hydro
Root Meaning: water
Related words: hydrophobia, hydrosphere, hydrofoil, hydrophyte
Word Meaning: testing done to see how well you hear
Root: audio
Root Meaning: hearing
Related words:  auditorium, audience, audible, audition, auditor
Word Meaning: to place in order
Root: loca (col=with or jointly)
Root Meaning: place
Related words: local, allocate, allotment, locus, dislocate
Word Meaning: to shut or stop up
Root: clude
Root Meaning: shut
Related words: conclude, seclude, exclude, include, recluse
Word Meaning: capable of being formed or pliable
Root: duct
Root Meaning: lead
Related words: aqueduct, viaduct, conduct, deduct, abduct
Word Meaning: belonging to the duke, a leader below king & above knight
Root: duc/duct
Root Meaning: to lead
Related words:  reduce, deduce, seduce, produce, induce
Word Meaning: keeping an emotional balance even under stress
Root: equa (anim=mind or soul)
Root Meaning: equal
Related words: equator, equation, equality, equinox
Word Meaning: prominent/ outstanding; something that leaps out at you
Root: sal/sult
Root Meaning: to take
Related words: salacious, salmon, insult, result
Word Meaning: the hard-rock portion of the Earth’s crust
Root: sphere (litho=rock)
Root Meaning: round shape
Related words: atmosphere, troposphere, stratosphere
Word Meaning: using secret codes to rearrange the written message
Root: crypt (en=in)
Root Meaning: hidden
Related words: cryptogram, cryptanalysis, encrypt
Word Meaning: 1. by a small amount; 2. exactly; 3. reasonable; 4. merited
Root: just
Root Meaning: has to do with correctness, rightness, or law
Related words:  just-in-time, justice, Justice, justify

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