Monday, April 13, 2020

Week of April 13 Review Words 16-30

Word Meaning: someone with too much excitement, perhaps crazy
Fun Fact: Fewer words begin with Z than with any other letter except X.
Related words: zenith, zero, zephyr  
Word Meaning: fear or strong dislike of books
Root: biblio (phobia=fear)
Root Meaning: books
Related words:  bibliography, bibliomania, biblioklept, bibliophile
Word Meaning: to slow something down or get in the way of progress
Root: ped
Root Meaning: foot
Related words:  expedite, impediment, expedition, pedal
Word Meaning: treasurer or person who holds the money in an organization
Root: burs (ar=a person who)
Root Meaning: purse
Related words: bursa, bursitis,  disburse, disbursement, reimburse
Word Meaning: something given to counteract a poison
Root: anti (dote=give)
Root Meaning: against
Related words:  overdose, doting
NOT: anecdote=short, funny story
Word Meaning: to tease or torment by presenting something desired and keeping it out of reach
Root: tant
Root Meaning: as much as
Related words:  tantamount
Word Meaning: a feeling of pity or sorrow toward a person or situation
Root: path
Root Meaning: feeling or sensitive
Related words:  sympathy, apathy, antipathy, sociopath
Word Meaning: to seek favor or to present in a pleasing manner
Root: grat (in= in or not)
Root Meaning: pleasing or grace
Related words:  grateful, gratitude, gratuity, gratis, congratulate
Word Meaning: to slant in a direction or position; odd; bend
Root: liquis
Root Meaning: to turn aside; elbow
Related words: not a right triangle, muscles attached to 1 end of a bone
Word Meaning: city of the dead; cemetery
Root: necro (polis=city)
Root Meaning: dead
Related words: necrophobia, necrology, politician, cosmopolitan
Word Meaning: unit of hearing
Root: dec
Root Meaning: ten
Related words:  decagon, decimeter, December, decathlon, decade
Word Meaning: an attempt to kill off a whole race or political or cultural group
Root: gen (cide=killing)
Root Meaning: race or kind
Related words:  gender, general, generation, insecticide, suicide
Word Meaning: ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing buildings, rooms, and gardens with nature
Root: feng (shui=water)
Root Meaning: wind
Related words: chow, kowtow, gung ho
Word Meaning: the graduate with the 2nd highest rank or grade score
Root: salu
Root Meaning: health
Related words:  salutatory, salute, salutation, salubrious, salvation, valedictorian
Word Meaning: setting people free from being owned by someone else
Root: man (e=out or not)
Root Meaning: hand
Related words: manager, management, manufacture, manuscript, manual labor

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