Monday, April 20, 2020

Week of April 20 Review Words 31-45

Word Meaning: to teach or educate; not telling both sides of the story; brainwash
Root: doc
Root Meaning: to teach
Related words:  doctor, docent, doctrine, doctrinaire, docile
Word Meaning: a public statement
Root: clar
Root Meaning: clear
Related words: clear, clarify, claret, clarion, clarinet
Word Meaning: easily cheated, deceived, or duped
Root: gul
Root Meaning: throat
Related words:  gullet, seagulls, gull, gully
Word Meaning: likes to be around people; doesn’t like to be alone
Root: greg
Root Meaning: herd or flock
Related words:  egregious, congregate, aggregation, segregate
Word Meaning: introductory part of a document or book
Root: amble (pre=before)
Root Meaning: to walk
Related words:  circumambulate, ambulatory, amble, ambiguous
Word Meaning: government run by the wealthy
Root: pluto (cracy=rule)
Root Meaning: wealth
Related words: democracy, oligarchy, autocracy, monarchy, theocracy, kleptocracy, bureaucracy
Word Meaning: combining of chemical elements using light
Root: photo (syn=together)
Root Meaning: light
Related words:  photography, photosensitive, photogenic
Word Meaning: having a large, bulky body
Root: corp
Root Meaning: body
Related words: corpse, corps, corporation, corporeal, corporal
Word Meaning: a person who is kind and generous
Root: bene
Root Meaning: good or well
Related words:  benefactor, benefit, beneficial, benign, beneficiary
Word Meaning: teeth straightening
Root: dont/dent (ortho=straight)
Root Meaning: tooth
Related words:  dentist, exodontia, dandelion, orthopedist, orthodox
Word Meaning: a public notice put out by an authority; like a law
Root: dict
Root Meaning: speak
Related words: verdict, vindicate, predict, contradict, dictation
Word Meaning: to stop or change a command or an order
Root: mand (counter=against)
Root Meaning: to order or to enjoin
Related words:  command, demand, mandate, mandatory, remand
Word Meaning: learning or thinking
Root: cogn
Root Meaning: to learn or to know
Related words:  recognize, cognizant, cognate, precognition
Word Meaning: to come after; in addition
Root: super (ven=come)
Root Meaning: over; in addition to
Related words: convene, adventure, intervene, revenue, convention
Word Meaning: a toy with color patterns that change when you rotate it
Root: scope (kalos=beautiful)
Root Meaning: to view
Related words: telescope, microscope, stethoscope, horoscope

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