Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Lesson 14

Lesson 14 Day 1

Lesson 14 Day 2

1.     If you noticed the water level in a glass being lower the next morning, what happened to the missing water?

2.     What is it called when a liquid such as water changes into a gas?

3.     When vaporization happens on the surface of the liquid, what do you call it?

4.     So why is perspiration on a hot day or after you exercise important?

5.     Sometimes, vaporization does not occur on the surface of the liquid, but inside it. So what is happening inside the liquid when it reaches its boiling point?

6.     When the gas bubble rises to the surface and then into the air, it pushes against the air above it. If the air pressure pushing down is lower, what effect does that have on the boiling liquid?

7.     At high altitudes, the air pressure is lower and the boiling point is lower. What are two things that are different about having boiling water at higher altitudes?

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