Monday, January 28, 2019

How to Support Reading Class From Home

How can you support your child’s Reading class at home?
1.     Read together.
2.     Talk about what you are reading just like you would talk about favorite movies or television shows.
3.     Encourage reading for fun. Share stories about your positive experiences with reading.
4.     Go to Ms. Miller’s blog at

What can you do on the blog?

Review the word of the day listed at the bottom of the page. Encourage your child to use these words or the related words in conversation or in writing.
Read the Article of the Week posted in the middle of the page and discuss it together.
Study and practice this week’s root words and definitions posted in the middle of the page.

Play the root word review games on the right side of the page for extra practice with root word meanings (good for figuring out unknown words!).
Go to PowerSchool on the top right side of the page and practice reading your stories aloud. The stories for all levels are attached in the Developmental Reading class when you are in PowerSchool.
Click on the Fluency tab at the top of the page to review difficult words in your stories from PowerSchool and to listen to audio of the stories.

Read digital books from the websites linked on the right side of the page.
Use the “What Should I Read Next?” link on the top right side of the page to choose new books.

Click on the Decoding tab at the top of the page to review vowel combination sounds, prefixes, suffixes, and to sound out longer words with these parts.
Click the links on the right side of the page to learn more about the Featured Reader activity and Reading and Writing Stations in the classroom.
Click on the Students tab at the top of the page to do games and activities related to Reading and Language Arts.
Click on the Parents tab at the top of the page for resources related to parenting teens with disabilities.  

Look for the word of the day in other contexts and share back in class.
Use the word of the day at home and in other classes.
Practice reading your story for the week on PowerSchool. Listen to it on the blog.
Review root words on the blog.
Read at home for 20 minutes daily.
Talk to friends and family about what you are reading.

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