Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 26 Journal

(3rd journal for Unit 5)
What did you like about "Blind Date with a Book"? What improvements could be made to that activity? Respond here on the blog as well as in your folder. 


  1. i didn't like anything. things that could have been better is getting a book i liked

  2. i thought it was interesting and we should really try it again

  3. i thought it was interesting for people who loves book and love to read

  4. no comment but that is not good day. okay love you my friend bye

  5. I thought that having a book that you may have never read before is a good idea and that are maybe even a book that you dont know anything about is a good idea because then you learn what the book is about will you read and there for i think that we should try again

  6. I like all of it. One than i wood maybe for the one give a small treat for the ones that read unlike some that mas a round.

  7. i like how we got to rate our book we got. no need for improvement.
