Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to share the power of reading?

We did a journal a while back that asked the question of what you can do to share the power of reading with others. Below are some of the responses to that question. Let's check them out and then discuss what we as a class can do together.

I help someone read.
Helping them understand the words and help them read better and faster.
Presenting, writing stories, or even reading to others.
Reading with them and helping others understand words that they don't know.
Reading and telling them what I've learned.
I could read some books that they choose and show them how important it is to know how to read.
I can help them find a book that they might like.
Telling other people about good books I've read.
I might be able to tell some of the meanings of new words.
Sharing good books with my friends.
Help them out and pronounce the words.
Share with them new reading skills.
Tell them reading is good for you.
Do a class read aloud.
Tell them how much free reading can help with your writing and reading.
Becoming a reading/literature teacher.
Helping little kids read or by reading to them- read and point to the words.
Read to somebody that doesn't know how and teach them how.
Give advice to be a better reader.
I can teach others how to read and show them how to read.
Reading to little kids.
Reading in groups of friends.
Encourage them to read.
Give them a book or newspaper.
Show them books they've never heard of or read.

Many of these are things we already do in this class in our small groups.
What can we do to share the power of reading with others at North Side, or even outside of North Side? Think about what we are able to do, what we are comfortable doing, and what is realistic for this group of people in this class period. Can we create something for the hall? Something for the blog? Something to pass out to people? Something I'm not even thinking of right now??? Let's brainstorm ideas together!


  1. Other ideas- have we considered these?
    -"storytime" videos or animations to share with younger children
    -a Little Free Library
    -mentoring younger readers
    -weekly book recommendations posted in the hallway
    -reader blogs

  2. Tomorrow on Edmodo, we will vote on a class project. Things to consider:
    • What is the first thing we need to do to make this a reality? When can we get it done?
    • What other steps are needed?
    • What materials do we need? Who do we need to help us?
    • What will YOU do to help make this happen; what power do you have for this project?
