Thursday, September 17, 2015

9-17-15 Journal

Why is the story organized this way? Use details from the text to prove your answer.

Things to think about:
Does it list things and then describe them?
Does it go in chronological order?
Does it show cause and effect?
Why are the details in that order?

***Show me that you are thinking and understand the story.
***Do not copy; put details into your own words.


  1. Good example of student work:
    "It does list the blankets of air with details because they want you to learn in order, so you will understand it better (how the Earth's air works). Why they are in that order is because if you didn't write that way, it wouldn't make sense."

  2. Good example of student work:
    "First, it shows what people did so you know what used to happen. Then later, it talks about how they are now."

  3. Good example of student work:
    "If they just gave information in random order, the reader would have to figure out what goes in order. If it was like that, then the reader would stop reading because it wouldn't make sense just reading about different things every sentence."

  4. Good example of student work:
    "I think it is organized the way it is because it started from his childhood to his two biggest inventions. I know this because it talks about him putting the key on the kite and flying it during a storm.He also..."

  5. Good example of student work:
    "I think he organized it like this because if you're going to tell us that the fourth of July is Independence Day, you have to tell us why or how. He tried to make it make sense."

  6. Good example of student work:
    "So far, they are telling you what the roadrunner is and what they look like, and that's one of the first things you need to know when reading the story. If not, then the whole story would make no sense and you would never try to read it, but if it was in order how it is now, then it would be easy to understand."

  7. Good example of student work:
    "I think the story is organized in this order because the story has dates in it. The story wouldn't make sense if it had July 4, 1776 in the beginning of the story and... 1607 at the end. So it's in the right order according to the dates."

  8. Good example of student work:
    "It's organized this way to make it easier on the reader. If you have things in order, then it's easier to get down the information and comprehend things."

  9. Good example of student work:
    "I think my story is organized this way so people don't get confused on what they are reading.Then they have to put it in order so all the information is correct. All of the dates of this passage are in order from 1607 to 1776. I think that's why they wanted to put them in order because they needed to inform people what happened with America's journey."

  10. Ithink my story is organized this way because it tell so much information about the american journey. ss3

  11. I think my story was organized this way because its can tell me what will happen if we don't have an atmosphere and the season and the water cycle.


  12. i think the story is organized the way it is because they used good facts from their story and they used details.

  13. I think that the good example are good example. I think that the people that did that are very good at writing and that they did a very good job at it.

    pd.4 R.A.
