Monday, May 21, 2012

Schoolwide Words of the Day May 21-24

Monday May 21st     Interpret
Related words: Understand, infer, figure out, deduce, explain something
Word Meaning: to establish or explain the meaning or significance of something
Origin of interpret: 1350–1400; Middle English interpreten  < Latin interpretārī, (stem of interpres ) explainer

Tuesday May 22nd     Function
Related words: Purpose, vertical line test, equation, "f(x)"
Word Meaning: A relationship in Algebra when the second value depends on the first.
Origin of Function: 1525–35; < Latin functiōn-  (stem of functiō ) a performance, execution, equivalent to funct ( us ).

Wednesday May 23rd     Represent
Related words; stand for, signify, denote
Word Meaning: to serve to express, designate or stand for a symbol.
Origin of Positive: late 14c., "to bring to mind by description," also "to symbolize, to be the embodiment of;" from O.Fr. representer (12c.),

Thursday May 24th       Determine
Related words: conclude, resolve, clarify, reasoned answer
Word Meaning: to decide or settle something conclusively.
Origin of Determine: late 14c., "to come to an end," also "to settle, decide," from O.Fr. determiner.

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