Friday, April 27, 2012

Week of April 30th Schoolwide Words of the Day

Monday           April 30th       Positive Behavior
Related words: Helpful actions, Encouraging deeds, Affirmative conduct
Word Meaning: an optimistic attitude shown during a person’s actions
Origin of Positive:1250–1300;  Latin positīvus;  replacing Middle English positif Root
Origin of Behavior: late 15c., essentially from behave, but with ending from havour "possession," a word altered (by influence of have) from aver, from O.Fr. aveir "to have."

Tuesday           May 1st          Intervention
Related words: Involvement, Intrusion, Intercession
Word Meaning: Entry into a situation in order prevent undesirable consequences
Origin:  early 15c., from L.L. interventionem (nom. interventio) "an interposing," noun of action from pp. stem of L. intervenire "to come between, interrupt," from inter- "between" + venire "come" (see venue).

Wednesday      May 2nd         Support
Related words: encourage, assist, defend, look after
Word Meaning: to give active help and encouragement to somebody.
Origin:  late 14c., from O.Fr. supporter, from L. supportare "convey, carry, bring up," from sub "up from under" + portare "to carry" (see port (1)). Related: Supported; supporting. The noun meaning "act of assistance, backing" is recorded from late 14c.; sense of "that which supports"

Thursday          May 3rd         Expectations
Related words: hope, outlook, potential
Word Meaning: a standard of conduct or performance expected by or of somebody
Origin: 1530–40; < Latin expectātiōn-  (stem of expectātiō ) an awaiting, equivalent to expectāt ( us ) (past participle of expectāre  to expect) + -iōn- -ion

Friday               May 4th        Responsibility
Related words: duty, task, job, conscientiousness
Word Meaning: the state, fact, or position of being accountable to somebody or for something.
Origin: 1780–90; respons(ible) + -ibility

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