Sunday, February 19, 2012

Schoolwide Words of the Day Week of Feb. 21 (no school Monday)

Tues. diplomatic – meaning: tactful – involving international diplomacy – showing tact and skill in dealing with people – The President of the US was very diplomatic when he spoke to the representative from Pakistan.

Wed. strategic – meaning: a plan of action  – The President of the US acts as Commander in Chief of the US and meets with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to discuss strategic planning for the military.

Thurs. judicious – meaning: sensible and wise and showing wisdom – The President of the US must be judicious in his decisions involving Homeland Security.

Fri. – circumspect – meaning: prudent, taking consideration of all possible circumstances and consequences before acting – Wayne Generals should be circumspect like the President of the US and consider all the consequences before they act.

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