Monday, February 13, 2012

Schoolwide Words of the Day Week of Feb. 13

Mon. scriptorium
Word Meaning: the room where monks in the Middle Ages (500-1500AD) kept their scripts/scripture
Root: script
Root Meaning: write
Related words: prescription, proscribe
Thurs. hydroponics
Word Meaning: growing plants in water and not in earth
Root: hydro
Root Meaning: water
Related words: hydrophobia, hydrosphere, hydrofoil, hydrophyte
Tues. audiometry
Word Meaning: testing done to see how well you hear
Root: audio
Root Meaning: hearing
Related words:  auditorium, audience, audible, audition, auditor
Fri. collate
Word Meaning: to place in order
Root: loca
Root Meaning: place
Related words: local, allocate, allotment, locus, dislocate
Wed. occlude
Word Meaning: to shut or stop up
Root: clude
Root Meaning: shut
Related words: conclude, seclude, exclude, include, recluse
Extra Credit ductile
Word Meaning: capable of being formed or pliable
Root: duct
Root Meaning: lead
Related words: aqueduct, viaduct, conduct, deduct, abduct

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