Monday, February 6, 2012

Schoolwide Words of the Day Feb. 6-10

Mon. edict
Word Meaning: a public notice put out by an authority; like a law
Root: dict
Root Meaning: speak
Related words: verdict, vindicate, predict, contradict, dictation
Thurs. countermand
Word Meaning: to stop or change a command or an order
Root: mand
Root Meaning: to order or to enjoin
Related words:  command, demand, mandate, mandatory, remand
Tues. cognitive
Word Meaning: learning or thinking
Root: cogn
Root Meaning: to learn or to know
Related words:  recognize, cognizant, cognate, precognition
Fri. supervene
Word Meaning: to come after; in addition
Root: super (ven=come)
Root Meaning: over; in addition to
Related words: convene, adventure, intervene, revenue, convention
Wed. kaleidoscope
Word Meaning: a toy with color patterns that change when you rotate it
Root: scope
Root Meaning: to view
Related words: telescope, microscope, stethoscope, horoscope
Extra Credit. tacit
Word Meaning: silent
Root: tacit
Root Meaning: silent
Related words: taciturn, reticent, reserved, laconic, dour, acquiescent

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