Monday, January 30, 2012


To prepare for parent-teacher conferences this Wednesday and Thursday evening, all students in my classes will be completing a self-assessment today which will then be used to write a letter to parents about progress in this class. All parents are invited to conferences Feb. 1 & 2 from 3:30-7:30 in the main gym!

Name_________________________     Date_________________    Period_______

Read each statement.  Decide whether each statement describes one of your strengths or an area that needs improvement.  Place a check mark in the appropriate column.

Area for Improvement
I arrive to class on time.

I come to class prepared.

I start my work every day without being told.

I ask questions when I do not understand.

I listen.

I think before I speak or act.

I take responsibility for my actions.

I am respectful to the teacher.

I am respectful to the other students.

I am respectful to the room and supplies.

I put my best effort into my work.

I try to improve my skills.

I answer questions in class.

I participate in class discussions.

I complete my work by the date due.

I hand in my work on time.

My September Lexile: ___________
My December Lexile: ____________
My Reading grade level based on this score: _______________

My first score on the root words quiz: _________
My most recent score on the root words quiz: ______________

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