Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week of Nov. 28 Schoolwide Words of the Day

Science Root Words
Monday -  
Ignis    meaning - fire   
Sample words - 
ignition The car's ignition switch did not work.    
ignite - Please ignite the campfire so we can have s'mores. 
igneous That is an example of an igneous rock.

Tuesday -  
chloros   meaning - green 
The leaves of the maple tree are green because of chlorophyll.   
Chlorine can be used as a disinfectant in the city pool.  

 Wednesday -  
Derma   meaning - the skin 
The student went to the dermatologist to get ointment for his face.  
The dermatologist examined a mole on Auntie Wilma's arm.  

Thursday -
lateralis   meaning -the side 
The doctor ordered a lateral x-ray of the patient's side. 

 Friday -  
Macro   meaning - large  
In Mr. Beauchamp's class, students study the features of national and international economic systems, this study is known as macroeconomics

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