Friday, September 9, 2011

Schoolwide Words of the Day- Week of Sept. 12

1. vocation
Word Meaning: occupation, job, or employment
Root: voc
Root Meaning: call
Related words: vocabulary, vocalist, vocalize, vociferous,  equivocate
2. worst
Word Meaning: (adj.) very bad;
(verb) to defeat or outdo, to best in a debate or conflict
Related words:
good     better     best
many     more     most

3. catalyst
Word Meaning: a substance that can cause a reaction
Root: cata
Root Meaning: with
Related words: catastrophe, catalog, catapult
Word Meaning: to oppose or exert a force against something
Root: counter
Root Meaning: against or opposite
Related words: counterthrust, encounter, counterclockwise
5. fluid
Word Meaning: (noun) liquid;
(adj.) changing; smooth/easy style
Root: flu
Root Meaning: flow or blow
Related words: flue, fluff, flow, affluent

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