Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blog Rules

Your blog can be viewed by the public, so you need to protect your personal information.
  •  Do not put any information in your profile. We know who you are; nobody else needs to.
  • Do not share your last name.
  • Do not share any part of your address.
  • Do not share your phone number.
  • If you are writing about other people, make new names for them. Do not use their real names.
This may be online and it may be fun, but it is still schoolwork.
  • Use appropriate language.
  • Write about school-appropriate topics.
  • Only write posts on this blog that go with your blog assignments. If you have other things that you want to write about, do it somewhere else. Your A203 account is only for this class.
This blog is a great opportunity to show off your writing and thinking skills. We can share it with your parents and teachers to show off what you have accomplished.
  •  Use capital letters and punctuation appropriately.
  • Use spellcheck.
  • Edit your posts when you or someone else finds a mistake.
  • Use some of your new vocabulary words in your writing- it will impress!
  • Ask questions!
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