Monday, April 11, 2016

Presentations: Characters Meet

Choose one PERSON from the stories in your packet. You are going to BE this person. You will then partner with a DIFFERENT person from the same or a different packet, and act out a fictional scene involving these two characters. 

Ideas brainstormed by students in all six classes before break:
-the two characters traveling together in the U.S. or around the world
-having a debate
-they are in a sport together (example: soccer)
-they meet and go on a mission or adventure together
-they are in a class together and one of them is a new student
-they are in 1st grade together
-go out to eat together
-rap battle
-a presidential debate
YOU ARE NOT LIMITED TO ONLY THESE IDEAS- BE CREATIVE!!! This is like the interviews we did last time, except better. Make it fun and interesting while still being informative. Remember that you ARE your character.

You have TWO days to pull it all together. Presentations are Wednesday- you must have this project completed before the end of class on Tuesday! In your scene, your characters must reveal at least 5 important facts about themselves- learned from your stories or the internet- just in the natural course of their conversations and actions (NOT: "Hi, I'm Abraham Lincoln and these are 5 cool things to know about me." THINK ABOUT their personalities and how they would interact with the other character if these two people really met. 

1. Choose a partner who has a different character.
2. Discuss how your characters will get along.
3. Plan WHAT they will say and HOW they will say it.
4. Plan actions to go along with the dialogue.
5. Type up your plan so you can easily print copies for both partners (SAVE your work under your student number so it's actually there for you tomorrow!!). 

1. Double-check that you have included 5 important facts about each character in your story.
2. Finish typing and print your scripts.
3. PRACTICE reading your lines AND acting it out.
4. If you have anything that needs to be displayed on the board, send it to Mrs. C. on Edmodo (click on "Type your note here" and send it to Mrs. C., not the class).

1. Be ready to present at the beginning of the period. Volunteers will be allowed to go first, but you should be ready to go if you are called to go next.
2. Respect your classmates.
3. Speak loudly when it is your turn. 

Your presentation/interview must include:
1. Each group member participates in the presentation- 5 points
2. Interesting/fun/creative- 5 points
3. 5 facts from the story- 5 points each (25 points total)
4. Speak loudly enough for all to hear- 5 points

This is a total of 40 points. It is a summative grade.

You will also receive 50 points for being a positive audience member. You will lose points for talking during others' presentations or doing other things when you should be listening. This will be a separate summative grade.

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