Monday, February 22, 2016

interview presentations

By now, you should have written 5 interview journals- one for each story in your packet.
Today, you are choosing one to expand upon and present to the class.

You will work in groups of 2 or 3. Each person must participate in the presentation- playing a role as an interviewer or interviewee.

Your journal writing will not be enough- it's just a place to start. You will need to add more dialogue and content to your interview.

You will have today and tomorrow to plan and create your interview.

Type it and print a copy for each person in your group so you're ready to present on Wednesday.

Your presentation/interview must include: 

1. Each group member participates in the presentation- 5 points
2. Interesting/fun/creative- 5 points
3. 5 facts from the story- 5 points each (25 points total)
4. Speak loudly enough for all to hear- 5 points

This is a total of 40 points. It is a summative grade.

You will also receive 50 points for being a positive audience member. You will lose points for talking during others' presentations or doing other things when you should be listening. This will be a separate summative grade.

You will also complete a page with important information learned from the presentations. This will be another summative grade.

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