Sunday, October 4, 2015

This week's presentations

Choose one story from your packet to teach to the class by yourself or with one other person
(not a group of 3 or 4... just 1 or 2 people!).

You have TWO days to pull it all together. Presentations are Wednesday and Thursday- you must have this project completed before the end of class on Tuesday!

1. Choose a partner who has the same stories as you.
2. Choose a story.
3. Plan how to teach this story in a way that is INTERESTING.
4. Plan your assessment- how will you know that the class understands what you are teaching? (You need some sort of handout for them to write on. You can use any of the test question posted in your Edmodo group if you want.)
5. Decide what each partner is going to do.
6. Both partners write this plan in your folder on the back of your graph page and SHOW IT TO MRS. C.
7. Start working!!

1. Work on everything planned out on Monday.
2. Send all test handouts to Mrs. C. as a message on Edmodo. If you don't send it, it won't be printed for you! Say in your message that it needs to be printed.
3. Also send to Mrs. C. anything you need displayed on the board (Powerpoint, etc.).

1. Be ready to present at the beginning of the period. Volunteers will be allowed to go first, but you should be ready to go if you are called to go next.
2. Respect your classmates as students and teachers.
3. Complete all work/tests assigned by your classmate teachers. You will be graded for doing this work!

1. Completing the plan in your folder.
2. Presenting to the class.
3. Assessing the class.
4. Participating/doing the work for other presenters.

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